Explore our hotel
Our rooms are located in three buildings, each with its own history. The rooms vary in terms of location, style and size.
Get in contact so we find the best room for your needs.
»[..]First choice for business trips, an old building with character«
(Google review)
Room categories
The new house
All rooms are equipped with a balcony and a nice view in our green park or the forrest of Benther Berg.
The old house
A few rooms have access to our big terrasse and a nice view over Benthe and the Calenberger Land.
The country house
Surrounded by old trees and our green park the country house is only a few steps away from the Hotel.
Best price & flexibility
Free* cancellation until 3 p.m. on the day before arrival.
(*Not valid in times of fares, for wedding or event guests)